A legislator in New Jersey's 12th District, covering parts of Monmouth and Mercer Counties

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Into the Ring With Ann Coulter on Hannity and Colmes

Yesterday evening I got a call offering me the opportunity to appear on Fox News channel's Hannity and Colmes program to talk about the inflammatory comments Ann Coulter made about some of New Jersey's 9/11 widows in her new book.

As it was somewhat of an indescribable experience, I'll just direct you to the online video so you can see for yourself. Click this link to see the show segment.

Wally Edge posted a poll on PoliticsNJ.com this morning so readers could decide who "won" the debate. If you're interested in voting, click here.


Blogger Sharon GR said...

Thank you for appearing on the show. I find Ann Coulter's comments on the 9/11 widows to be horrible, simply designed to be controversial to grab attention for her book. I'm happy that you stepped forward to call her on it.

8:40 PM

Blogger Downtowner said...

good work, mr. panter.

this coulter thing was absurd on her part. maybe it sold a lot of books, more is the pity.

at least you said what needed saying and that should mean a lot.

11:02 PM


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